
someone wiping a car with a yellow cloth on it

We put people first

LOCAL is hiding something: we want to be a leadership factory disguised as a car wash. What does that mean? It means we hire Team Members that we want to help become future leaders and give them opportunities to serve their community positively. Leaders serve, and we want our team to learn what an honor it is to serve others and do so with a genuine smile. We read a lot, learn a lot, and challenge one another to grow. We think our culture and environment are pretty awesome for us and the future community leaders we're developing. But don't take our word for it - come meet us and see for yourself!

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a person cleaning a car with a yellow cloth

Our Values

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People over profit

LOCAL Car Wash is a business, but our mission is so much greater than generating profit. We are a leadership factory disguised as a car wash. At LOCAL, we care deeply about investing in our Team Members and community. We will choose the interests of our Team Members and guests over the bottom line every time.

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Effective Over Efficient

We can’t create the best human experience by putting efficiency at the forefront. We prioritize human connections and attention to detail over speed and efficiency. Our operations are people-centric, meaning that we will interrupt or slow them down to make an impact on our Guests. We take the same approach to developing our Team Members and ensuring their experience at LOCAL is positive and impactful.

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Activity Over Apathy

One of the defining characteristics of LOCAL Car Wash Team Members is that we are doers. We look for opportunities to serve and contribute and when we find them, we act. We are eager to identify and solve problems, whether within our internal operations or with our Guests. We are always there to lend a hand to our Guests and one another. We value continuous improvement and promote a culture of innovation.

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Friendly Over Fast

It’s great to work quickly and efficiently, but at LOCAL, it is not paramount. We care most about taking care of people, which at times will slow down our operations. We will take the extra time to have a positive touchpoint with a Guest or stop what we’re doing to assist them. We lend a hand to one another in the name of teamwork and customer service, even if it means we don’t get people in and out as quickly as possible.

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Fun over Formal

We make car washes fun! We want to be known as a fun place to work and visit. Our interactions with Guests and each other are positive and energetic. We are not only willing to serve, but happy and enthusiastic to help. We lean into a playful, lighthearted approach that makes car washes, which can be considered an inconvenient chore, something to look forward to.

employee Testimonial

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.”
-  John S.


We are always looking for positive, enthusiastic team players who want to feel great about their work while enjoying professional growth. At LOCAL, we value our team and invest in them personally and professionally.

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